The Garden Plog

My garden plot blog to chronicle the vagaries of my own little acre and the stuff I love.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sowing has begun

The tomato, leek and onion seeds were sown Monday night. I have more pop bottles to carve up this evening, since the Mr. will be bowling tonight. He objects to the squeals they make as I slaughter them.

At the moment the garden is still covered in snow drift, but hopefully I can get out there soon and put down more black plastic.

My cardinal pair have been hanging around with the juncos. I put some black sunflower seed out for them, but something else got in there as well. The marble-sized turds certainly aren't rabbit. I'm afraid it's a groundhog. A co-worker volunteered to get the rabbits in the yard, maybe he'd get a groundhog too. I've also observed a brace of male pheasants wandering about the front garden. Something else saw them as well because I found a pair of tail feathers with flesh still attached- a hawk or possibly an owl.


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