The Garden Plog

My garden plot blog to chronicle the vagaries of my own little acre and the stuff I love.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oh hail!

It hailed early this morning, and I didn't have the heart to go check the veggie garden before we left for work. I guess it's a good sign that the daylilies by the driveway weren't shredded and no major limbs had come down. The squash bugs have diminished, but I still catch a few during the evening hunt. After the high of 80 in 24 hours, 7 isn't too bad. There are two big, fat, black swallowtail caterpillars on the dill and a couple new tiny monarch caterpillars on the dill. Now I'm hoping for some painted ladies on the borage to complete the larval trifecta.


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