The Garden Plog

My garden plot blog to chronicle the vagaries of my own little acre and the stuff I love.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Trees, seeds and baklava

It's been way too long, and I wish I hadn't let this lapse. Life just accumulated somehow. The fibromyalgia is acting up again, it's gray and rainy out and it's finals week here at the grand ol' uvinersity.

At any rate- I managed to get my bulbs planted at the side of the garage formerly occupied by those nasty hostas. The allium plot has expanded again with at four rows of bulbils planted (the rapture of scapes) two rows of Roja cloves, a row of bunching onions, three rows of shallots and a couple of leeks that are hanging on over the winter.

The fall planting of peas went pants after a rather freakish arctic blast in early October. And the pods were just starting to fill out too. Bollocks.

My $80 some dollars worth of shrubberies from Coldstream arrived in good shape. I had to heel them in for the winter. The package smelled like bayberry when I opened it.

Also ordered a bunch of trees from Fedco: apples, a pear, a cherry and blueberries.

Vintage Gardens is having another rose sale. Guess I'll order my birthday present a little early.

And the seed catalogs have started rolling in. I'm still waiting on the Richter's though. I need to compare prices for some herb seed. I think I'm going all Fedco this year on the veggies. Maybe their carrot seed will grow.

Oh yeah, baklava... trying it this year for the first time. We shall see.



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